
Handle your own Party Wall Agreement

Save up to £1000 with Our Party Wall

Don't waste money on an unnecessary party wall surveyor. Join the 1000s of people every year who handle their own party wall agreements

"In many cases people find they do not require the services of a party wall surveyor"
Federation of Master Builders

party wall

Party wall agreements can sound complicated but in their most simple form they are just an agreement between neighbours about how and when building work will be carried out

If your neighbours agree then all that is required is a formal notice letter and a signed response agreement letter

Use Our Party Wall to generate all required documents today!

Three easy steps


Talk to your neighbours

Discuss your plans with your neighbours using our guide to help you


Generate documents

Generate all the documents required by the party wall act


Get agreement

You and your neighbours sign the documents then the work can begin

Includes all required documents

Make as many edits as you like - documents are re-generated automatically

Our Price



Want to know more before you get started? We’ve put all our expertise into these free guides to help you get to grips with everything to do with your party wall agreement